Welcome to TreLink Antenna

+86-757-87668929 sales@trelink.com

We are living in a hyper-connected world, the mobile devices( (including smartphone, laptops,tablet computer and smart machinery) are increasingly used in everyday situations, it’s important to offer a good quality and reliable data connection throughout the facility.

A Distributed Antenna Systems (DAS), or as it is commonly referred: In-Building DAS,is a network of antennas that sends and receives cellular signals (2G, 3G, & 4G LTE) inside buildings or other structures,thereby increasing network capacity . In-Building DAS is an essential part of both carrier cellular networks and enterprise infrastructure.,and the antenna provides a critical link.

 In-Building & DAS Antenna Design

To enhance in-building cellular coverage, TreLink designs and manufactures a range of DAS antennas for 3G/4G/LTE applications. Our antennas are designed for easy installation,quality construction and minimal visual impact, they feature a multi-band design that supports a wide range of frequencies.TreLink’s quality DAS antennas are now used in a number of office buildings, convention centers, healthcare facilitiescampuses, manufacturing and dense urban centers worldwide.

We are committed to providing custom-made antenna solutions to meet the performance requirements at competitive prices. Please feel free to get touch with us for any need.



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